In KS4 students will be introduced to GCSE and Foundation courses. Courses start towards the end of year 9, which will allow our students time to develop over KS4 and improve their understanding and skills within each subject.
Where students are academically and emotionally capable, they are encouraged to pursue accreditation in as many subjects as is practicable.
Most students are highly motivated to take examinations, wanting to feel that they have equivalent qualifications to other young people their age; in some circumstances, for example when a young person is recovering from major trauma, a more bespoke approach to learning is appropriate.
In this case, a subject teacher will adapt the accredited framework to offer the opportunity to study towards accreditation at an appropriate pace.
At any stage, staff are available to support and guide in this important transition phase.
Accredited courses offered at PHOENIXPLACE:
GCSE English Language
GCSE English Literature*
GCSE Maths
GCSE Art (also Art Award)
GCSE Science
Level 1/2 Princes Trust
Level 2 Food Hygiene & Safety
Functional Skills English (L1/2)
Functional Skills Maths (L1/2)
* 1:1 Tutor where students show a level of aptitude
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is considerably enhanced by, for example, the following;
- Work experience placements
- Careers education
- External vocational providers
- Enterprise, business & community links