Building confidence so you can be
the best you can be!
Building confidence so you can be
the best you can be!
We are a small Not-for-Profit specialist school for girls with social, emotional, mental health needs, SEN, attachment difficulties and/or additional complex needs.
Our dedicated staff work and support students who have additional complex needs, such as ASD / Aspergers, ADHD / ADD, Anxiety, Mental Health & Emotional difficulties, Attachment Difficulties / Disorders, ODD, Speech, Language & Communication Difficulties, Learning Difficulties, adverse childhood experiences (ACE's) and Dyslexia.
We provide a safe, supportive/nurturing environment in which students who have previously experienced difficulties can build their self-esteem, build confidence in their learning, positively re-engage in learning, enjoy being a learner and thrive.
All of our students have not had successful mainstream school experiences and many have not been in school or have not been educated for some significant time. Some of our students may have a phobia about school which in turn has had a negative impact on their self-esteem and engagement in learning.
Our key aim is to understand and address the issues each individual student is facing. Our end goal is for students to acquire the 'social capital/powerful knowledge' needed to be successful in their next phase of transition whether it be an apprenticeship, college or work. This powerful knowledge is also key for students to be able to navigate through life despite their needs so they can positively function in society as an adult.
We aim for our students to be knowledgeable about their needs and understand what steps they can take to overcome barriers now but also for the future. Developing and improving communication skills is vital for our students to succeed and we place an emphasis on this on a daily basis.
All our students are at varying levels of ability so we provide them with the extra support needed in class whether as a class group or if needed on a 1:1 basis. We offer a broad range of subjects, with high-quality supportive teaching that is suitable for their pace of learning.
PHOENIXPLACE puts praise, encouragement, guidance and reward at the heart of developing confidence in each student.
The school provides full-time education for students in Key Stages 3 and 4 directly from our home and neighbouring boroughs as well as from schools. Most students have Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP). However we accept non-EHCP referrals.
Looking ahead, we want to be an Outstanding school in all respects, continuing to strive to improve the excellence of our education that transforms the prospects of our students, and where staff love to work.
Main Site:
7A Badsworth Road
tel: 0207 703 7189