Places at PHOENIXPLACE are available by consultation with home and surrounding boroughs, Academies, Schools, AEPs, PRUs and Local Authority departments responsible for placing learners.
We cater for girls who;
- have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) or it is in the process of being finalised.
- are having difficulties with continuing within a conventional mainstream setting due to behaviour or learning difficulties
- are designated as a ‘vulnerable child’ e.g. non-attender, looked after
- are between the ages of 11-16
- The needs of the student will be considered alongside the needs of the whole school population, the skills of the staff and the ability of the school to meet the students’ needs.
- Admission will depend upon the number of places available and the type of place required. A balanced intake is necessary to maintain continuity and progression and to continue to provide high quality education.
- Students can be admitted at any key stage providing there is space in the appropriate class and that the balance of the group can be maintained.
- Entry can be at any point of the year.
- Referrals are made either for full time, part time and are for a minimum of one term's placement.
- Dual placements also considered.
If you would like to refer a student, please download our referral form below, complete in full and send back to
You will need access to WORD to open this document.
Thank you